Zenobia Skin


I would sit on a footstool at her feet in awe of her intellect and beauty. She was filled with grace, strength and a dose of humor. We affectionately called her “Mama Nobie”. Zenobia Bedford, my maternal grandmother, was loving and wise, with the ability to see beyond the now into the 'what can be' and was unapologetic and unafraid to forge into the unknown. I was fortunate to experience the kind side of her, but also to witness her strength and courage. 

Zenobia, was very soft spoken with a sweet little laugh, BUT her strength is what would always shine thru. As a social worker she always centered people, and especially people of color. What was amazing to me about that was that she was a small framed, light skinned woman who in her younger days had to fight to prove her identity as a black woman. She was bold in her stand that no one would ever disrespect her, her family or her people. She taught us that we were just as valuable as everyone who told us we were not, and to never placate others for them to feel good, at the expense of our esteem. 

Zenobia, you can call her Mama Nobie too, allowed her intelligence and thoughtfulness to earn her respect. She was so respected by her 3 daughters that my mother graced me with the name Zenobia as well. Standing in the shadows of her name, my grandmother always encouraged me to not be afraid to show my strength. She encouraged me to be successful in my career and education. She also taught me to stand up against what was expected, and to forge my own path. I hope I’ve taught that lesson to my daughter, nieces and nephews as well.

As I remember the many valuable pearls of wisdom she taught me, the foundation of every lesson was to be kind, to find my strength and to live life as though there was no failure, only lessons, so you might as well try. With that in mind, I realized that my passion could and should be my purpose, and Zenobia Skincare is born. I’ll share with you my journey and skincare challenges soon, but first I wanted to dedicate my passion and purpose for our family business to Mama Nobie, Zenobia Bedford. My daughter and nieces will be the legacy that will carry this on, with the same grace, strength and dose of humor that Mama Nobie instilled in me, and I’ve instilled in them.

Welcome to Zenobia Skincare


self-care, self-love